Saturday, May 25, 2013

All watched over by machines of loving grace?

by Karsten Gerloff (Free Software Foundation Europe)

Saturday, 25.05.2013, New York III, 10:45-11:30 Uhr

Computers are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. They are the machines we use to create knowledge, they let us talk and write to each other, they are the cars, trains and planes that we use to move around.

Computers are so tremendously useful because they are general purpose machines. We routinely use them to create and do things that the people who built them never dreamed of.

Yet we are in the middle of an intense battle for control of these computers. Corporations are busy turning general purpose computers into mere shopping devices. Instead of choosing our destiny, we only get to choose our masters.

It doesn't have to be this way. Are we heading for a world of corporate surveillance, where our choices will be bought and sold? Or are we going to create a world where we live in freedom and take charge of our lives?


About the author Karsten Gerloff:

Karsten Gerloff is the President of the Free Software Foundation Europe. FSFE's mission as an independent not-for-profit organisation is to promote freedom in the information society through Free Software.

Karsten Gerloff works together with developers, activists, business leaders and high-level political decision makers in order to create an environment where Free Software can reach its full potential. He leads FSFE's participation in community and policy processes at the European and global level, and is a frequent speaker at a wide variety of conferences and events.

Karsten Gerloff has conducted extensive research on the economic and social effects of Free Software for the European Commission and other clients, and has led the development of training materials for Free Software entrepreneurs in Southern and Eastern Africa.