
Relax and Recover workshop

von Gratien D'haese (IT3 Consultants)

Thursday, 24.05.2012, New York 2.1, 10:00-12:00 Uhr

Relax and Recover (rear) is an Open Source disaster recovery framework for GNU/Linux based systems. The disaster recovery information (and maybe the backups) can be stored on the network, USB devices. tape devices and DVD/CD-R. The result is a bootable rescue system that can be booted via PXE, DVD/CD, tape and USB media. Rear can also integrated with external backup software to rely on data storage.

The purpose of the workshop is show how it is done in practice with some live demonstrations. After the workshop the administrators will be able to implement rear in their environment very quickly without struggling with the options and output possibilities of rear.

The workshop will use slides with basic and complex examples (useful as reference material later on) and the possibility to exercise via your own linux laptop. Questions can be raised during the workshop as it is the purpose to be very interactive lab sessions. We foresee 2 hours for this workshop.

At the end we can have a discussion on the future roadmap of rear. Setting some milestones and getting customer feedback.

Über den Autor Gratien D'haese:

Gratien D'haese is a Belgian independent IT Consultant who is already 25 years
active in the Unix world (and with Linux since its invention in 1991). He has a broad experience with Unix in general, security, networking, big system administration tasks, clustering, troubleshooting and IT consultancy.

Gratien delivers talks around various topics since the days of the Belgian Unix Users Group and other organizations promoting the Open Source movement. He is co-founder and main designer of Relax and Recover with Schlomo Schapiro. This project started in 2006 and the software package is part of Fedora and EPEL. He is also project leader of the Open Source project "Make CD-ROM Recovery (mkcdrec)" which is the forerunner of rear. He serves to the Fedora community as an ambassador.