
Berlin Open Data Portal

von Florian Marienfeld (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

Wednesday, 23.05.2012, Open Source Arena, 13:00-13:30 Uhr

Open Data is a recent movement with a lot of momentum that has much in common with the Open Source idea. The core is: Data are worth more if they are shared freely. Especially in the case of government data - which are funded by tax payers' money - it's straightforward that they should be made available at no cost to enable re-use and administrative transparency. The undisputed definition of "available" is - in a machine processable format - under a free license - with easy access, e.g. in a central portal.

The state of Berlin commissioned the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS with the assessment of the organizational, legal and technical basis for Open Data in the German capital. In this project a concept study was prepared and implemented in an online pilot system, the first Open Data portal in Germany.

This talk outlines the development of Open Data in Germany in the international context and identifies the connecting points between Open Source and Open Data.

Über den Autor Florian Marienfeld:

2010 Diplom in Technischer Informatik, TU Berlin

Seit 2010 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Fraunhofer FOKUS

2011 Umsetzung des Berliner Open Data Portals