
LibreOffice 3.5, the best free office suite ever

von Italo Vignoli (The Document Foundation)

Friday, 25.05.2012, Berlin I, 10:45-11:30 Uhr

The Document Foundation has forked the OOo project in September 2010, as a result of a long term discussion inside the OOo community about the future of the project. In eighteen months, LibreOffice has evolved from the legacy code - with a huge technical debt - into a cleaner and leaner office suite, with a substancially smaller code base, thanks to a developer community which has grown from the 21 hackers active at the launch date to over 400 committers active in february 2012. Developers have not only improved the software, which is now at the third major release after the fork, but have created a better development infrastructure, to make QA a continuous and easier task.

Because of all the improvements, LibreOffice 3.5 - or "the best free office suite ever" - has been integrated into all Linux distributions, making the Linux desktop competitive with proprietary offerings. The presentation will outline the history of The Document Foundation and LibreOffice, and the development directions of the project, for 2012 and beyond, including LibreOffice OnLine, the first free office suite in the cloud.

Über den Autor Italo Vignoli:

Italo Vignoli is a TDF founder and director, and was active in the OOo marketing project from 2004 to 2010. He is a free software advocate, with over thirty years of experience in marketing and communication of high-tech companies at international level.

Since 1984, he is connected to the network with a portable PC and a messaging or e-mail system, despite a degree in humanities from the University of Milan, where he has been a researcher on urban geography.

He is working as a freelance journalist since 1972, writing about sports, music and IT.