
Embracing the web with Play 2.0

von Clement Escoffier (akquinet AG)

Saturday, 26.05.2012, Europa I, 16:00-16:45 Uhr

Play! is an open-source framework for building web applications in Java or Scala. It is stateless and promotes RESTfulness: it embraces web-oriented architecture. But best of all, Play is simple, fast and ultimately fun. It is also very powerful and allows the development of sophisticated web applications in an efficient way. Play Framework 1.x was initially developed in 2007, focusing on developer productivity, respecting Web architecture, and using from the start a fresh approach to packaging conventions - breaking so-called JEE best practices where it made sense to do so.

However since 2007, technologies and the Web have continued to evolve. The Web has become the central point of all applications. HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies have moved fast - making it almost impossible for a server-side framework to follow. The whole Web architecture is quickly becoming pervasive and moving towards real-time. At the programming language level we've seen some major changes with several JVM languages, including Scala, gaining popularity. So Play 2.0 is the successor to Play 1.x, with a fresh new core to face the changing requirements of web applications.

This talk describes the key features of Play 2.0 and how to simply develop web applications in Java and Scala. This talk will show how a web application can be easily built using the Play 2.0 MVC model, the Scala-based template engine, the async support (WebSockets), and persisted entities.

Über den Autor Clement Escoffier:

Clement Escoffier is a Solution Architect in the Mobile Solution and OSGi Competence Center of the akquinet AG. He is a Apache Felix commiter and leads the Apache Felix iPOJO project, and also leads the OW2 Chameleon project. He is a confirmed Android developer. He is also interested in mobile and pervasive middleware to build innovative applications such as M2M, multimedia applications. He received a PHD in computer science from the University of Grenoble in 2008.