

von Elke Moritz (LinuxTag e.V., Nokia gate5)

Friday, 25.05.2012, Open Source Arena, 18:00-18:30 Uhr

Phototermin für Gruppenphoto - Crew/Helfer - Speaker - Projects/Aussteller (soz. als speziellen Service von uns für sie - zum einen als grosses Photo mit Repräsentanten aller Projekte/Aussteller, zum anderen separate Photos je Projekt/Firma)

Wunschtermin: - Donnerstag 18:15h (Achtung: Social Event)

Alternativtermin: - Freitag 18:15h (Achtung: weniger Speaker; LinuxWorks! Grillen; evtl. Standfeten)

Ort: OSA oder Aussentreppe vor Gebäude 7.

Wichtig: Abklären mit Messephotograph Todo sobald Termin feststeht: an alle kommunizieren

Über den Autor Elke Moritz:

Elke Moritz is one of the founding members of LinuxTag and has been one of the organizers since 1997. She takes care of the exhibition booths of the participating free projects, is in charge of the volunteers, and organizes the catering for the speakers, free projects, and the crew.

Elke studied computer science with a minor in economics at the University of Kaiserslautern. After working at various reseach groups in the US on scientific visualization and virtual reality projects, she joined Mercury Computer Systems/Visage Imaging to develop medical imaging software.

She currently works as a senior QA engineer at Nokia in Berlin, Germany, and is responsible for the QA of the Public Transport Qt/QML app on Symbian and Meego.