
CouchDB and CouchApps

von Roman Geber (B1 Systems GmbH)

Saturday, 26.05.2012, Europa I, 10:30-11:00 Uhr

CouchDB is a document based NoSQL database convincing not only through its high performance but also it's simple replication mechanisms and it's capability to store entire applications directly within databases. The so called CouchApps enable developers to develop and deploy JavaScript web applications without the need for any furhter layers of data processing. Utilizing the high potential of CouchApps requires developers to think different.

Knowing the systems possibilities as well as its limitations are crucial to determine the right development approach. If CouchDB's own tool chain can't do the job its easy to connect external frameworks like node.JS, Django or Ruby on Rails.

Done right CouchDB can be used not only store data but whole applications. This presentation gives an overview on CouchDB and CouchApp development.

Über den Autor Roman Geber:

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