
Free Your Android!

von Torsten Grote (Free Software Foundation Europe)

Saturday, 26.05.2012, London, 10:30-11:00 Uhr

Regain control of your Android device and your data! This talk will give you all the information necessary to achieve this by running (almost) exclusively Free Software on your phone. It will cover the Android operating system, an alternative market and the apps. In these areas, a lot has been achieved, but there are more challenges ahead. Many ways to help will be presented, so we can make phone liberation effortless and free the last few apps necessary for freedom phones to thrive.

Über den Autor Torsten Grote:

Torsten Grote ist Mitglied der Free Software Foundation Europe. Er studierte Philosophie und Informatik. Außerdem setzt er sich für die Stärkung und Wahrung der Rechte und Freiheiten von Bürgern im digitalen Zeitalter ein.