
Fast, less-complicated, lock-free data structures

von Ulrich Drepper (Goldman Sachs)

Friday, 25.05.2012, London, 12:00-13:30 Uhr

Recent development in CPUs introduce significant improvements which allow increasing the parallelism in programs without increasing the complexity of the code. This is the first time that this is possible and it will allow a much larger group of developers to write code that can take advantage of the parallel nature of today's processors. The required code changes can be contained in programming language extensions, compiler extensions, and in library interfaces.

gcc 4.7 will be released with support for transactional memory (TM). It has support for a pure software implementation and transparent support for hardware. The underlying processor technology can also be taken advantage of directly.

(I have a little problem. I cannot go into all the details *right now* because information is not yet publicly available. This will change within just a few weeks, though). At that point I could update the description (it's not possible, of course...).

Update: Meanwhile Intel released the specification for their TM technology. The talk will introduce the details of the architecture and how to use the functionality from C/C++.

Über den Autor Ulrich Drepper:

Ulrich Drepper is currently employed by Goldman Sachs in the technology division. Before that he worked for 15 years for Red Hat, in last time in the office of the CTO. His interests are mostly in areas of low-level technologies like machine and processor architectures and up the stack from that.

He has also extensive experiences with the design and implementation of programming languages and their development and runtime environments. He also tries to fulfill his duties as the upstream maintainer of the C, math, thread, etc libraries for Linux as part of his job. Ulrich received his Diploma in Informatics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.

Home page: http://people.redhat.com/drepper/